Monday, September 29, 2008

Dreams becoming goals, Goals becoming achieved

In Janurary of 2008, in the middle of his 8th grade

year, young rapper and song writer 4Real begins on a journey to the path of addapting to a new

skill and talent, novelism. Why he chooses this path is unexplainable due to the fact that he

started so young. However, this is what he had to say about the reasoning of his extrodenry goal,
"This novel was written to help inspire nations to turning a new corner and get beak on the road

we were once on, the road that we need to follow."

Now as we know TYR is against most modern big-time rappers due to there choice of lyrics so

we have worked around that obstcale. In the trailer above contains the music of TYR reconized

rap group called Liberation. And as far as images go, all all you see in the preview above

has been created and enhanced by 4Real himself.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Networking With Every Corner

Six A.M. in the morning of March, 28, 2008 TYR Board Member 4ReAl goes to Camp Finch, a camp site in south west Pennsylvania to attend The First Annual MANA Youth Retreat. When we asked 4ReAl how he felt about traveling eight hours from home representing TYR he said, “Staying in a cabin high up in the hill by Lake Erie was an experience of a lifetime,”
The retreat was conducted and lead very well by many Muslim youth from many parts of the country such as Kalamazoo, Boston, New Haven, Oakland, Atlanta, Harlem, and many more. The Youth of MANA and the other fifty attending met most of the weekend of the retreat discussing common issues and networking with each other in the process. However, the retreat was not all meetings and workshops; it also contained some camp activities such as horseback riding, BB-gun target practice, rock-climbing, and Archery. “In the end when it was time to come back home, I felt more unified with the Muslim youth of the world then I ever have in my life.”

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Project Legacy

Project Legacy is a program that is designed to mentor youth between the 5th and 6th grade to become "elite" TYR members of the next generation. All the original TYR Snoopy, Dora Gurl Tell'em, Ish, Lil Willie, and 4ReAL will give one-on-one mentoring lesson to a 5th or 6th grade student.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Not The Best

On Feburary 15th, TYR members Dora Girl Tellem, Ish, Snoopy, and 4ReAl preformed a half time show in the Amistad Academy Middle School gym premering the new TYR original Change. The Proformance was not the best we ever had acording to unanimous vote of TYR members but we are planning to improve for the better of the group and the world.

Change - 4ReAl featuring Barrack Obama